Direct marketing letters areimportant to your company’s marketing efforts. They can help you get morecustomers, sell your products, and get repeat business. Small businesses needto create a direct marketing letter that is tailored to their particularbusiness. Here are some tips on how to write a direct marketing letter.
Have you considered using aheadline in your marketing letter? Your headline is able to pull the readersattention better than a regular letter without one. The headline should grabthe reader’s attention and make them want to read more of the letter.
An offer is what the readerwill get when he responds to your direct marketing letter and it engages him totake some type of action, call you, visit your website or buy your product. Youroffer should not be too hard for the customer to understand and too complicatedwhere they will just pass over it.
Call to Action
When you are writing yourletter make sure that you include a call to action. A call to action engagesthe reader and tells them what action that you want them to take. You must havea call to action that tells the reader to pick up the phone and call now. Ifthe product is sold by mail ask them to send for more information. Include allof your contact information in the letter, phone numbers, mailing address, faxnumbers, and website address.