A business card should always be kept in your wallet and make sure that they look professional. They are used to make your contact informational available to potential customers, but they have other advantages. Business cards are beneficial to the small business owner and here are some reasons for their necessity.
Networking with your business card is a very cost effective way to market your company. Use your business card to introduce yourself when you are networking. Ask for another person’s card when you are networking. Always have few extra business cards on hand so that when you introduce yourself you can give prospect your business cards.
Another advantage of using business cards is that they can be used for advertising. You can place them on bulletin boards in supermarkets, beauty shops, and libraries. If you are a contractor you can pass them out at the hardware stores, or supply stores.
Business Services
Include your business cards with all of your correspondence. When you fill out an estimate attach a business card. Leave your business card with your accountant, dentist, and doctor. Include your contract information, website, and email address on the business card.
The advantages of having a business card are great and can help you market your small business, but only if you begin passing them out.
Inc; how to choose the Best Business Card for Your Company; Josh Spiro; 2010
Great FX: 8 Ways to Use Business Cards to Network and Market Your Business; Linda Alexander