By Lanee’ Blunt
Have a clear understandingof your objectives when preparing the proposal. A business proposal is used forbidding on a RFP, asking for funding, or used to persuade potential clients orcustomers to support the proposal financially. Focus on how your business intendsto achieve the client’s goal and meet their objectives. Write from an outline.Deconstruct the request for proposal (RFP) to develop the outline before youbegin writing.
Deconstruct the Request forProposal (RFP). Go over the RFP sentence-by-sentence and make sure that youunderstand what it is requesting in order to build an outline to write yourproposal. Explain important and unimportant clauses in the statement of work.
Write a project summary orexecutive summary it is a brief summary of the project. Explain why your businessis best for the contract. Explain if your firm is a member of an organization.
Qualifications information. Explainall of the similar types of contracts that you have handled. State the size, thenumber of participants, or amount of assets. Give the evaluator references from similar contracts that you have done.
Qualifications information. Explain all of the similar types of contracts that you have handled. State the size, the number of participants, or amount of assets. Give the evaluator references from similar contracts that you have done.
Time of completion. What are your deadline dates? Include dates by which you proposed to complete the job. Write the cost information section and provide the proposed price.
Fedmarket: Proposal Writing:The Devil is in the Detail
A Cleaning Bid: ConstructionSite Clean Up Projects
Entrepreneur; How to Writean Effective Proposal; Barry Farber; 2004