ByLanee’ Blunt
Havinga professional looking newsletter is an excellent way to promote your smallbusiness. It is a very effective public relations tool that helps to marketyour product or service, by drawing attention to your small business. Publishing a newsletter is a big commitmentin time, but it also helps you keep in touch with prospects, generate trust anddevelop brand awareness.
Thesize of your newsletter should depend on the amount of information you want toinclude. Most newsletters are between four and eight pages long. The typical newsletteris four pages long with the back used as a self-mailer.
Concentrateon your audience when writing the articles. Know your audience and what isimportant to them. There are three or four feature articles included in thenewsletter. Give the reader important tips and information that they can use.
Writethe newsletter in a desktop publishing program. They are very useful fornewsletters. Some programs are easy to learn and inexpensive. If you arecreative you can create a professional looking newsletter in full color foryour company. “Initially, it might take several issues for you to produce thefinished product with relative ease. Your desktop skills will improve withevery newsletter you produce, so practice is essential,” according to LoriannOberlin-Hoff in her book Writing for Money. The publication frequency of thenewsletter depends on your commitment, if it will be published weekly, monthlyor quarterly.
RalphF. Wilson; Planning Your Internet Marketing Strategy; Wiley
LoriannOberlin-Hoff; Writing for Money; Writer’s Digest Books