ByLanee’ Blunt
Writingan effective proposal can win you the bid. It is important that you come upwith the most accurate cost estimate and develop a low-competitive priced bid. Abid proposal is necessary for a business to be considered on a project, and isusually part of a sealed bidding process.
Readthe request for proposal (RFP) several times before preparing the bid. Addressthe major topics in the RFP making sure that you have a clear understanding ofthe specifications and requirements. Gather all of the information and completeall required forms that must be submitted with the bid.
Writeyour bid response. Write the company profile section. Include information aboutyour small business, your experience, and your method of performance. Tell thereader why they should hire your company. Give your work references or samplesof the type of work you have performed.
Performancesection explains how your company will do the job. Focus on the highlights ofyour business. What are the benefits of using your business?
Providea list of your employees and resumes of key personnel. All of your senior staffshould have professional resumes included in the proposal. Write a detaileddescription of your business, your experience, and the date you established thecompany.
Costsection. The bidding price should come out of the budget detail, the cost ofmaterial if any; labor, overhead, packaging and transportation. The priceshould meet the supplier’s rate of return objectives.
Attachfinancial statements, compliance reports, certificates, licenses, and companybrochures with your bid proposal.
SBA: Bidding on Federal Construction Projects
Findfrp:How to Write a Proposal or Respond to a Bid Solicitation
RfpTemplates: Bid Responsiveness Determination