By Lanee’Blunt
A smallbusiness or a consultant should have their own letterhead because it makes youlook professional and helps you compete with other companies. “A letterheadoften is the first section a reader notices on a letter. Thus, it is important your letterheadappropriately reflect the essence of the individual or business,” according toGary Shelly, Thomas Cashman and Misty Vermaat in their book, “Microsoft Office2007.”
Most desktoppublishing programs have features for letterheads but you can also create aletterhead in a word processing program. Look at the templates. Choose a letterheaddesign that you like in the gallery. Aletterhead template appears.
Some softwareprograms will allow you to create a logo or download one from the internet. Importyour company logo right in the design of the letterhead. Your logo should be adesign that will help you stand out from your competition.
Determine theplacement of the letterhead. Some letterheads have a design and color at thetop of the paper and the same color or another color on the bottom. Verticaldesigns are another option to consider with bright designs along the side withyour logo.
Type yourbusiness information into the personal information page. This includes your name, job or position,organization name, address, suite number, phone, fax, and email. Choose a professionalfont size.
Proofreadbefore printing. Print one copy to be sure that you like the color scheme andlayout. Print as many copies as needed.
Gary Shelly,Thomas Cashman and Misty Vermaat; Microsoft Office 2007; Thomson Course Technology