How to Write a Marketing Brochure

By Lanee’ Blunt

A successful marketingbrochure has to do more than look good. It has to be a focal point to selling your product or your service.  They are easy to make. Create your brochure witha desktop publishing program it will take you a while to learn the program butit is worth the effort. Once you have decided what content you want to includepick a design and use the templates in the program.

Write a strong headline onthe cover of the brochure. Many people will only read the first page. Gain theirinterest in what you are selling with the headline. “The cover of a brochureworks like the headline of a print advertisement. State your position orpromise a benefit to the reader,” according to Kenneth Roman, Jane Mass, andMartin Nisenholtz, in their book, How toAdvertise.

Give facts. Tell thecustomer everything that they need to know about your product, write about thefeatures, what is included—hours range of products or services, thespecifications and the performance.

Keep your paragraphs short. Writea strong call to action.  Use bulletedlist for eye appeal. Create a call to action that tells the reader to pick upthe phone and call now. If the product is sold by mail ask them to send for acatalog.

Save your brochure in a PDFfile if you want to put it online.  Takethe PDF file to a printer and have the brochures printed.

Kenneth Roman, Jane Mass& Martin Nisenholtz; How to Advertise; Thomas Dunne Bnoks