What are the Benefits of Using Marketing Letters?

By Lanee’ Blunt

A marketing letter is apowerful piece of your direct mail package. A sales letter will out pull apackage that does not have a sales letter. If the sales message is what itshould be a percentage of readers on your mailing list will respond about theadvertised product or service.  When youwrite your direct mail package it requires that you know your audience.

The sales letter will helpyou to keep in touch with your prospects and will keep your company in theirmind, so when they are ready to make a purchase they will think of yourcompany. A sales letter will help you keep in touch with former customers too.

Before you invest your timeand your money in a direct mail program you should test your sales letter.  A great benefit of using a sales letter isthat it can be tested to see how well it will do. You have to know if theletter will pull a response.  You can usea small sample of one hundred letters, mail them and test your response.  If the letter is not strong enough and youreceive no response then you must revise your letter. If the letter received asufficient response then you have a winner mail it to everyone on your mailinglist.

You should carefully examineyour product or service.  Think about howuseful your product or service is and how it will help the consumer.  Carefully examine the market.  What is your key consumer benefit?  Answer all of the questions before you writeyour sales letter.