By Lanee’ Blunt
A service proposal is usedfor asking for funding, bidding on a RFP or used to get investors for yoursmall business. Collect all of the information on your service from brochures, yourwebsite and ensure that graphs that will be included are relevant. Plan yourproposal early before writing it.
Moderately Challenging
Things You’ll Need
Company brochures
Write an executive summarywhich is a brief summary of the project. Tell the evaluators or client why yoursmall business is the best for the contract.
Write the next section whichyou will give your firm qualifications information. Write about the number ofsimilar types of jobs that you have had in the past. State the size of eachjob. Give references from similar typesof jobs that you have done.
Write your personnelinformation and the responsibilities of key employees in your firm. List thesupervisors of the service business.
Address the cost estimateand explain the price you are proposing. List a final price for theproject. Include each service that isproposed with a detailed fee schedule.
Write all expectedcompletion dates. Provide a methodology for documenting bidding on a RFP thecompletion dates. Address every topic in the request for proposal (RFP) andaddress them in the order that they appear in the RFP.
Eliminate your errors byproofreading and editing. Rewrite sections that are too vague and don’t explainthe full meaning of what you are proposing. Avoid typos that will make your proposal look unprofessional andamateurs.
Have the proposal completed beforethe deadline so you will have time to revise the proposal.
Demonstrate that your firmhas the capability to perform the job.
Fedmarket: Proposal Writing:Filling the Holes
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