By Lanee’ Blunt
Some small businesses mayneed an operating license and beyond that you may need specific environmentalpermits so it depends on the type business you are starting up. A businessneeds be licensed and it will depend on your business if you need to belicensed at the federal, state or local level.
Licensing rules vary byindustry, state and locality. So it’s important to understand your licensingrules for your own state. Unless your business is regulated by the Federalgovernment you will need to get your licensing requirements from your state andlocal government. To obtain a business license it involves filling out aregistration form.
If you are going to dobusiness that is supervised and regulated by the federal agency you may need toobtain a federal license. Businesses that are involved in the interstatetransportation of animals, animal products, biologics, biotechnology and plantscontact the U.S. Department of Agriculture for permits. Businesses that areretailers of alcoholic beverages, such as bars, nightclubs, restaurants andretail liquor stores should contact their states Alcohol Beverage Control Boardfor specific permit and license information.
Display your licenses orpermits because most states require that businesses display licenses socustomers can see them.
SBA: Obtaining BusinessLicenses & Permits
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