Tips on Making a Product Brochure

ByLanee’ Blunt

Havinga strong brochure will help you market your small business. They may beprepared in practically any style or color that is desired for your particularbusiness. They may be made with a desktop publishing program or online. I havewritten a lot of brochure content for small and large companies. You can hire acopywriter to write your brochure content or follow these tips.

The Cover
Thefront page of your product brochure should have a headline. The cover workslike a headline in print advertisement. State the position or promise theprospect a benefit on the cover. Your name, the title of the product, companylogo, and a visual should be on the cover.

The Final Page
Youmay include a section on frequently asked questions about the product. Includea company description in a brief summary to show excellence and that theproduct is backed by a reputable firm. Write about customer service,information on delivery and your product guarantees.

Ask for the Order
Tellthe reader what the next step will be, telephone, credit card or check, or go toyour website. Include this at the end of the final page give them a clear callto action.

The Graphics
Makeyour illustrations work hard by showing story appeal. Use graphics to createimpact. Your product is displayed in many attractive settings as possible.Demonstrate the product with how to use visuals. Write a caption under eachphotograph.

Roman,Kenneth, Jane Maas, and Martin Nisenholtz; How to Advertise; Thomas Dunne; 2006
Wells,William, John Burnett and Sandra Moriarity; Advertising Principles andPractice; Prentice Hall

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